Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29

Hey, I forgot to post yesterdays wod but it was cleans and jerks 2x 115#  and strict press 2x 75# Then 4 rounds of 10 box jumps  10 burpees   10 ab wheels 4 sandbag to shoulders. It was all tough. I think I could of gone heavier on the clean and jerks, my mind wasn't into it that day.

Now for todays news:
Cleans 30#
jumping lunges
push press 30#

It was very hard. I'm not a huge fan of dumbells especially when they're 30 pounds each. The ladders are always tricky, plays with the mind. 

Great Job to the late class! The girls were pumping out that wod. It was fun to watch :)


Surrey Sterling said...

Howz that piston kip coming along? I'm gonna work on it tonight when I get home!

Leanna said...

It's awesome!! It's so much faster! I can get about 8 in a row but it's hard to keep it up without messing up the rhythm. What helped me a lot was watching the video on I'm sure you've already seen it but I'll try to post a link anyways:

I liked the slow motion part, that helped a lot. Good Luck, hope to see you tomorrow :)