Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27

11 rounds:
8 pullups
5 sand bag lunges
5 db split jerks with 30# (just over 20% of BW)

Time: forgotten

5 rounds of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
200m run

Time: forgotten as well

I'm so bad at remembering times. I always say them over in my head and tell myself not to forget them but always do. The 11 rounder felt awesome. It went by surprisingly fast. 

The second wod was great, except for my slip up coming off the pullup bar. That was scary.. landing wrong on the small box we use to jump up and grab the bar.. ya that pretty much sums it up. Anyways, that was a fun wod. I liked the run and the pullups, not so much the pushups. My hands aren't feeling the greatest, but I won't complain because a lot of people's hands I've seen look a LOT worse than mine. I feel for ya people.

Oh! and my rooms done :) I'll post pictures once everything's perfect. 

Night all


Anonymous said...

Hey, you didn't show me your butterfly kip! I can't wait to see it. Hopefully your hands feel better tonight!

Leanna said...

haha oh ya! I was all ready to show you too, i must have got distracted and forgot. I will show you tonight though! My hands are actually worse today.. but I'll manage. See you later :)