Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15

Sand bag to shoulder
25# box step ups
Ab wheel 
Majorly modified ring dips

Everything felt great, didn't need to break up any sets. The ring dips sucked and I modified them which probably sped up my time quite a bit.


2 sets of:
25 Kettle bell swings on right arm 25#
25 KBS with left arm 25#
25 Double Unders
25 Pullups

Time : 34:01 (I think that time was the time it took to do the workout plus the time it took the slowest person to do the first workout if that makes any sense) 

This one was hard, but it felt AWESOME. The first set felt great. The second set felt good too, but I had to take a few more breaks. That's about all I can say about that one. It's funny cuz I can barely remember what was going on during that workout. I can remember before and after fine, but during is all a blur. That happens a lot with me really, which is another reason CrossFit is like a drug! 

Also, today I took some of coach's advice and I worked out on pretty much an empty stomach. I ate a 2 block meal at 11:50 and worked out at 5:00. It felt pretty good actually. I thought I would feel faint (faint is a wimpy word but I can't think of a better one).. but I felt strong and got through the workout feeling good. I definitely recommend working out with an empty stomach at least once, just to see if it feels any different. (Its easier to workout on an empty stomach if your working out  in the morning, just skip breakfast!) I'm going to try it again fo sho! :) My workout felt great today! and I'm LOVIN the sunshine!!! :)

ok time to eat 


Jill said...

nice owrk today chickie. way to git er done withouy stopping!
have a great weekend :)

Jill said...

wow, sorry about the type-o`s. i totally didnt proof that before hitting `pubish`