Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31

WooHoo last day of May :)

Team Workout:
200 pullups
250 pushups
400 squats
5 rounds of:
12 h cleans
200m run

 Mia was my partner. We got through the first part pretty fast, but I held her up on the 5 rounds quite a bit. She's freakin strong that girl. It was great working outside and hearing Sterling and DC swearing beside us.. I loved knowing that they were going through as much pain as I was :) 

Have a good weekend 

Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29

Hey, I forgot to post yesterdays wod but it was cleans and jerks 2x 115#  and strict press 2x 75# Then 4 rounds of 10 box jumps  10 burpees   10 ab wheels 4 sandbag to shoulders. It was all tough. I think I could of gone heavier on the clean and jerks, my mind wasn't into it that day.

Now for todays news:
Cleans 30#
jumping lunges
push press 30#

It was very hard. I'm not a huge fan of dumbells especially when they're 30 pounds each. The ladders are always tricky, plays with the mind. 

Great Job to the late class! The girls were pumping out that wod. It was fun to watch :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27

11 rounds:
8 pullups
5 sand bag lunges
5 db split jerks with 30# (just over 20% of BW)

Time: forgotten

5 rounds of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
200m run

Time: forgotten as well

I'm so bad at remembering times. I always say them over in my head and tell myself not to forget them but always do. The 11 rounder felt awesome. It went by surprisingly fast. 

The second wod was great, except for my slip up coming off the pullup bar. That was scary.. landing wrong on the small box we use to jump up and grab the bar.. ya that pretty much sums it up. Anyways, that was a fun wod. I liked the run and the pullups, not so much the pushups. My hands aren't feeling the greatest, but I won't complain because a lot of people's hands I've seen look a LOT worse than mine. I feel for ya people.

Oh! and my rooms done :) I'll post pictures once everything's perfect. 

Night all

Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26

400m row
40 box step ups
400m row
40 one handed KBS
400m row
40 KTE's

7 rounds of:
7 deadlifts at 158#
7 pullups
2 sand bag over shoulder

The first wod was hard but good. The last row, it creep over 2:00 a couple times but got 'er back down to 2:00. The KTE's took a while.

The second wod killed me. I wasn't feeling it. The deadlifts felt really heavy, which is weird because usually 150 is not bad. I'm starting to get the butterfly (opt, speal type) pullups. I really like them because they are a lot faster. The motion is kind of weird though and it takes a while to get used to. I can only do a few in a row right now but I will keep practicing :) 

My hands took a beating today. They don't look bad but they don't feel good. I will have to lotion those suckers up,  hopefully they will be better by tomorrow. 

Luc, we miss ya. Come workout with us!
You too Haglund's. 

Ok goodnight everyone :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25

Rest Day!
Lovin the Sun!!! :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24

Back Squat
8x 95#
6x 115#
4x 125#
2x 135#

The Back Squats felt great!  I was happy with them. My technique felt awesome. I didn't look up or bounce out of the bottom like I sometimes want to. I had to bail once on the 135 but I tried again and got 'er done :)

Body Row
I think it was:
8x 85#
6x 95#
4x 100#
2x 100#

I'm not sure about the weight, I just did what mom did haha bad me :P .. I'm pretty sure that's right though.. Body rows are weird.

15 minutes of:
200m run
5 pullups
4 sand bag to shoulders
10 ab wheels
10 kettle bell swings
8 box jumps

I got 5 rounds and one run.

It was tough, but it felt great. I kept moving the whole time. I only stopped completely once, after a run to catch my breath before jumping up to do pullups. It felt great to be outside, it's so beautiful out. Everyone was given 'er hard during this wod and it felt great!

Have a good weekend :)

May 23

4 rounds:
1 lap around the track (just more than 400m)
50 air squats

My time: 15:08
Mom's time: 15:46

Mom and I did this wod at the LSS track at about 12:00. There were a lot of people there setting up for a relay for cancer.. in other words there were a lot of people watching us, thinking what the hell are they doing? I was representing Crossfit Langley by wearing my sweet CFL shirt :) haha 

Lets just say our legs were sore for the rest of the day.. and night.. and the next morning

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 23rd Rest Day, Long Post :)

What the hell is CrossFit?

SOO many people ask me that, it's ridiculous. [ Well I guess I can't blame them since I talk about it 24/7 and sport my CrossFit Langley shirts many a'time :) ] At first I didn't know how to answer the question. I just kind of blew it off and summarized it as ' oh it's just a hard workout program that makes you feel like your gunna die' . I really didn't know what to say. How do you describe it? So, I asked Mia what she answered when people asked her. She said, "I say it's 'random, varied functional movements executed at a high intensity' ".. ok professor. She said well that will either scare them off or get them interested. If it scares them off then they probably aren't right for CrossFit anyways. (Maybe I shouldn't have wrote that.. aha o well) 

So that's what I told people for the longest time. The grammatically correct definition of CrossFit. But I've been thinking about it and I came up with an easier and more descriptive answer. I say now, CrossFit is a way of life. It allows you to push yourself to do things you never thought you could do. It shows you how much pain you can endure without dying. And the best part of it is, it usually  takes under 20 minutes per workout~. It's a bit of a dramatic  description but I think it's pretty accurate. If they ask for anything more I say, 'that's all man, if you want more, check out the site or else lets go and put you through a wod :)'

I love the way CrossFit makes me feel, especially after a really tough workout. One that I didn't think I would be strong enough to finish. When I first started Crossfit, just over a year ago, we did a workout I remember well. It was 21-15-9 back squats with a 500m row between each set. I can't remember what weight I used but it was well under 100#. 

Anyways, at the last set of that workout I just burst into tears. I don't know why it happened because it wasn't like I was sad and I don't cry very often.. but all of a sudden tears were just streamin down my face. I couldn't stop them. I was like wtf? I was having a lot of trouble with the weight, but I managed to finish off the wod. That same crying thing happened to me a few times after that too. I remember Fran almost made me break down, and I did cry during another wod with a bunch of squats in it. Damn squats eh? There were other wod's where i tear'd up but I can't remember the details. It still happens sometimes, but rarely. (I personally love the 'slogan' you can cry, but don't be a baby) :)

What I'm trying to say is, CrossFit has worked me so hard that i mentally and physically want to quit.. my body wanted me to quit so bad it started to cry. My mind (and the coaches.. probably more the coaches :P) made me finish the workout every time. Nothing else I have ever done has made me need to use my mind against my body like that. And I mean, what else do I love that has made me cry.. or even that has made me almost cry? Nothing! How weird is that? CrossFit is so cool in that way. It is like Mind vs Body and by making your mind win, your making your body stronger

We have a lot of new CrossFitters joining us now and I am loving it. It kind of sucks for them when they join us because they see we are doing heavier weights than they are which can be discouraging.When I first started CrossFit, my weight lifting was not good. I would use a bare 30# bar lots. I would always look up to Mia and my mom (I still do). They have such strong arms and I was/am still incredibly jealous. I had really week arms. They were so small I could probably fit my thumb and index finger around my biceps so they touched. They would use heavier weights than me and it pissed me off, kind of like how Michelle pisses me off now with her ring dips:) But looking back, it was great having them to try and catch. I am still trying to catch them and I know that my competitive thinking has helped me get stronger.

 To all the new CrossFitters out there, just know that all of us started out how you are right now. Remember to work on your weaknesses but agnolage your strengths.  As long as you concentrate on good technique, don't not come because you are sore, don't get discouraged and put intensity into your workouts, there is no way you will not improve. Hope you end up loving CrossFit as much as we do!

Ok end of speal :)

Hope everyone has a great rest day.

May 22

Kipping L pullups 

10 minutes of:
5 h snatches
5 OHS's
10 situps

The kipping L pullups were definitely the break on the first wod.. if you can call it that. The dips felt hard. On the first set of 10 I got 5 in a row which was cool :) but after that they were almost all singles. Near the end (like on my 4th round and on) I could only get a couple full ROM dips, then I would get stuck at the bottom and not be able to power my way back up. I still counted them. Is that cheating? I dunno but if I wouldn't of counted them I probably would of been there FOREVER! That wod wore my arms out. My cardio felt good but my strength isn't quite there for dips.. yet.

The second wod was tough but it felt great! I found myself swearing a lot through this one. I thought 50# would be not bad at first but I learnt quickly it was hardd. I didn't like putting the bar down during the OHS's because then I would have to snatch it back up.. so I am pretty sure I didn't break up any of my sets of OHS's. I say pretty sure because I honestly can't remember. It's all a blur. I am not even sure how many rounds I got, although I'm about 90% sure it was 7. I didn't even think to keep track until about my 3rd or 4th round. Dumbass

I know I looked like I was in pain because Coach said to me, I won't post pictures of you for this workout.. only when your smiling. This was when I was on the dipping station so I can only imagine haha 

Ahhhh I love CrossFit

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21

5 rounds of
5  x 25#DB burpee thruster
10 DU's
10 around the worlds with black ball

3rounds of:
7 x 75# Bear complex

The first workout was tough. The burpee thrusters were retarded.. who would combine burpee's and thrusters into one move.. an evil freakin genuis. Around the world's were weird and akward. I used the black ball and felt like a total wimp doing it.

The Bear complex was hard as hell with 75#. The first set I thought felt the hardest. The last two sets I thought of as a set of 4 and then a set of 3, which helped me get through it mentally (weirdo). After my three sets, I felt great. I love it when I finish something I don't think I'll be able to complete. Feels awesome! 

The vibe was awesome in the gym tonight. Everyone was workin hard. CrossFit Langley is the fuckin best. Off to MMA :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20

4 rounds of:
5 squat cleans 95#
10 DB snatches (5 per side) 35#
10 pullups

4 rounds of:
125 m row
10 burpees
10 KTE's

The first wod felt good, the squat cleans though were heavy!  The second wod went well, the burpee's were hard. I liked the four rounds though. After the first round I thought, oh only three left! Three's nothing! haha I like trying to trick myself into thinking it's gunna be easier than it really is. 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15

Sand bag to shoulder
25# box step ups
Ab wheel 
Majorly modified ring dips

Everything felt great, didn't need to break up any sets. The ring dips sucked and I modified them which probably sped up my time quite a bit.


2 sets of:
25 Kettle bell swings on right arm 25#
25 KBS with left arm 25#
25 Double Unders
25 Pullups

Time : 34:01 (I think that time was the time it took to do the workout plus the time it took the slowest person to do the first workout if that makes any sense) 

This one was hard, but it felt AWESOME. The first set felt great. The second set felt good too, but I had to take a few more breaks. That's about all I can say about that one. It's funny cuz I can barely remember what was going on during that workout. I can remember before and after fine, but during is all a blur. That happens a lot with me really, which is another reason CrossFit is like a drug! 

Also, today I took some of coach's advice and I worked out on pretty much an empty stomach. I ate a 2 block meal at 11:50 and worked out at 5:00. It felt pretty good actually. I thought I would feel faint (faint is a wimpy word but I can't think of a better one).. but I felt strong and got through the workout feeling good. I definitely recommend working out with an empty stomach at least once, just to see if it feels any different. (Its easier to workout on an empty stomach if your working out  in the morning, just skip breakfast!) I'm going to try it again fo sho! :) My workout felt great today! and I'm LOVIN the sunshine!!! :)

ok time to eat 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 14

Morning Wod:
5 rounds of:
10 pullups
10 box jumps
10 ab wheels

3 sets of :
10 reps of stiff leg deadlift with 75#

3 sets of:
regular deadlift with 125#

then 5 rounds of:
20 pushups
20 double unders

The 'warm up' felt great. I did box jumps instead of step ups. Not as fast as I would like, but I am getting better.

 The second part of the wod felt awesome as well. I didn't need to put the weight down at all or take any breaks. I love stiff leg deadlifts, especially the way they make me feel the next day. 

The last wod pissed me off a bit. The double unders were no problem, I could usually  get them done without stopping or screwing up.. but those damn pushups. They are so hard for me! When I had three left to do in my last round, I seriously didn't think my arms were going to be able to hold me up. I thought they were going to give out and I'd pull a michelle and nose dive into the ground :) (hehe) I did finish them off, but I have to say.. I was not a happy girl.

But then we went to the driving place and I got my L so I am happy now :) Have fun with this one night crew!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13

65x3   75x3   85x3   95x2   95x3   95x1  95x2 

They squats felt really good. I had to focus a lot on keeping 'active shoulders' and If I lost my concentration for a second, that weight was 
goin down (like during my 6th set)

My room is lookin good, dad is workin his ass off.. as usual. I read Michelle and Sterling's comments, went downstairs with my phone and took a few pics. It was hard to get any good shots because they wouldn't fit in the camera screen, but here are a few 'in progress' pictures. 
This picture is taken by me standing in front of my window, looking towards my bathroom and closet

This is what you see when you open the door to my room.  Dad is in my new closet :) Check out the 'arch'.. it's been a major pain, but it sure as hell looks cool.

          The old 'Screw off Leanna' sarcastic grin 
A true construction worker. I love that pic :)
The bathroom is right behind where I was standing when I took the picture.
I will post more pictures when the room is finished!

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12

As a birthday present, my parents are renovating my room! I am getting a walk in closet, newly painted walls and a new bed! We have been working on it since saturday and it is coming along nicely. It looks SO cool, and it's not even painted yet. We had to tear down my old closet, so I got to use a little mma and front kick that sucker down!! It was awesome. I love having a dad that is in construction :) 

At the moment, I am sleeping upstairs in the 'games room'. Point of the story, those stupid 15 stairs seem pretty damn steep after a crossfit wod.


5 rounds:
6 back squats at 110# 
20 ring pushups
rest approx. 2 minutes
5 rounds:
10 push press 25#
10 pullups
10 walking lunges
Time: 6:40 Rxd

The first workout felt good, my technique on my squats faltered a bit. I do some weird stuff coming out of the squat that I can't explain. I have no idea what the hell is goin on, but I know its something and therefore I can fix it. I am working on it, and my squats are getting better. I don't look upward as much as I used to either, which is good. Ring dips were tough.. the most I got in a row was 7, and by the end I was doing singles.

The 5 rounder felt AWESOME. I went as hard as I could, but lost a bit of time walking to the board to mark down my rounds. The 25# seemed SO light at first, but got harder fast. Pullups and walking lunges weren't a problem. It was a nice wod to start off the week :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 11

Happy Mothers Day to all you hot crossfit mama's!!
(rest day)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 10

500m row at 2 minute pace
15 hanging cleans 65#
500m row at 2 minute pace
12 sand bag getups 
500 m row at 2 minute pace
20 KTE's

Nice warm up, pumped up my legs big time. 

4 rounds of:
7 power cleans and split jerk with 95 lbs
9 box jumps on a small box with a weight on it 
10 kipping L pullups

The power cleans were slow, they felt very heavy. I really had to focus on my technique. If it faltered even a little bit, that weight wasn't goin up. That was a tough one. 

Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 8

Bench Press 30# DB's
Squats  35#DB
Box Jumps
Deadlift 125#

This one felt good, Bench press got to me. I wanted to do 35# DB's but I'm glad I went with 30's as they were hard!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 7

5 rounds of :
max push press 95#
max strict pullups

Rxd  6/5    6/5    5/4    4/4     5/5

20-15-15-10= 60 KTE's

This was a weird wod. When I first saw it I thought wtf?  haha I think it was a more fun version of Lynne :) Actually it was kinda of the best of Fran and Lynne.. thrusters without the squats (ie push press) and pullups from Fran, and the max amounts from Lynne! :) ANYWAYS

That wod sure pumped up the fore arms ! The 5 rounds were tough. After those rounds, my hands were a little sore. It was hard gripping the bar during the KTE's, and after the wod, it was hard to uncurl my fingers. My hands looked a bit like claws. Besides that though, the KTE's felt strong. Another fun wod DC cooked up for us, can't wait to see what he has in store for tomorrow :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 6

Back Squat  125 x3              ...              140x1

Deadlifts 200 x 3        205x3  215x3  225x1

These lifts felt great. I had to focus on NOT looking up and not 'bouncing' out of the bottom of the squat. These are hard habits to break. Deadlifts felt nice, especially after DC told us girls we should start to 'accessorize' and put on a belt! 

3 rounds of:
20 weighted abb matt situps 15x2 db's
20 pushups
20 air squats
20 pullups

The weighted sit ups and the pushups got to me during this one. The pushups were done in singles during my last round. Squats felt great, and the pullups were awesome! It was fun breaking in my new running shoes :) I quite like them!

May 5

Power snatch 75x3  85 fail 75x3  
Cleans and jerks    105x2   110 x 2  115x1
Front Squat   120x2 125 fail

4 Rounds of
15 box step ups
15 pullups
10 35# snatches
200m run

Time = 14 : something

The lifting felt good, my technique felt great on my power snatches and cleans and jerks. I was getting head rushes during the cleans which made the split jerks interesstinggg :P   Front squats were not fun for me, I wasn't feeling it so i packed 'er in early.

The 4 rounder was tough. The pullups were nice and fast, all 15 in a row the first two rounds :) the rest of the workout felt good, just had to keep moving. Those box step ups slow me down, I have to get the box jumps going on. I just can't get the timing right on those- guess I need more practice! 

Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 4

To the left is about what i looked like after the run :P

Today I went for a 5k run. I'm feeling like DC is going to make us run soon, as the sun is coming out and he's buying himself running gear :) 

The run felt great! It was nice and cool. I kept a good pace and only stopped once to tie my stupid shoes. I forgot how much I love to jog, it really clears my head. My time was  28:13:92. The first time I did a 5k run I got 28:57:00 lol I should really keep working on my running.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3rd

3 rounds
Rowing 20 sec on 10 sec off 4x
2 minutes of 5 pushups and 5 pullups
10 rounds of
5 body rows
10 dips (stationary, mostly working negatives)
15 air squats
7 ab wheels

The first wod was nice and tough. The rowing always kills me. Chad was given 'er beside me.. I don't know how he rows that fast. It's gotta be those long soccer legs. The second wod felt good, long, but good. The body rows, squats and ab wheels felt awesome! I have to keep working on those dips though.     Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2nd

Today was pretty exciting, I ran into an old friend at Costco. I hadn't seen him in 5 years!! It was so good talking to him and he got me thinking about a lot of things. He had a lot of good advice for me about some decisions I will have to make soon, and it was awesome to hear some of his experiences. It's so cool when that happens, running to people you lost touch with. lol 

Anyways, me and mother and Chad (I think) are hitting up metro town in the early evening. It's about time for a lululemon stock** up :P  See y'all tomorrow!

May 1st

Had to miss CrossFit today :( I did get to see some family I haven't seen in a long while, so that was nice. My cousin lives in deep cove so we got her the address to CrossFit Vancouver, which is a 3 minute drive from her house (according to mapquest) :)