Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 23rd Rest Day, Long Post :)

What the hell is CrossFit?

SOO many people ask me that, it's ridiculous. [ Well I guess I can't blame them since I talk about it 24/7 and sport my CrossFit Langley shirts many a'time :) ] At first I didn't know how to answer the question. I just kind of blew it off and summarized it as ' oh it's just a hard workout program that makes you feel like your gunna die' . I really didn't know what to say. How do you describe it? So, I asked Mia what she answered when people asked her. She said, "I say it's 'random, varied functional movements executed at a high intensity' ".. ok professor. She said well that will either scare them off or get them interested. If it scares them off then they probably aren't right for CrossFit anyways. (Maybe I shouldn't have wrote that.. aha o well) 

So that's what I told people for the longest time. The grammatically correct definition of CrossFit. But I've been thinking about it and I came up with an easier and more descriptive answer. I say now, CrossFit is a way of life. It allows you to push yourself to do things you never thought you could do. It shows you how much pain you can endure without dying. And the best part of it is, it usually  takes under 20 minutes per workout~. It's a bit of a dramatic  description but I think it's pretty accurate. If they ask for anything more I say, 'that's all man, if you want more, check out the site or else lets go and put you through a wod :)'

I love the way CrossFit makes me feel, especially after a really tough workout. One that I didn't think I would be strong enough to finish. When I first started Crossfit, just over a year ago, we did a workout I remember well. It was 21-15-9 back squats with a 500m row between each set. I can't remember what weight I used but it was well under 100#. 

Anyways, at the last set of that workout I just burst into tears. I don't know why it happened because it wasn't like I was sad and I don't cry very often.. but all of a sudden tears were just streamin down my face. I couldn't stop them. I was like wtf? I was having a lot of trouble with the weight, but I managed to finish off the wod. That same crying thing happened to me a few times after that too. I remember Fran almost made me break down, and I did cry during another wod with a bunch of squats in it. Damn squats eh? There were other wod's where i tear'd up but I can't remember the details. It still happens sometimes, but rarely. (I personally love the 'slogan' you can cry, but don't be a baby) :)

What I'm trying to say is, CrossFit has worked me so hard that i mentally and physically want to quit.. my body wanted me to quit so bad it started to cry. My mind (and the coaches.. probably more the coaches :P) made me finish the workout every time. Nothing else I have ever done has made me need to use my mind against my body like that. And I mean, what else do I love that has made me cry.. or even that has made me almost cry? Nothing! How weird is that? CrossFit is so cool in that way. It is like Mind vs Body and by making your mind win, your making your body stronger

We have a lot of new CrossFitters joining us now and I am loving it. It kind of sucks for them when they join us because they see we are doing heavier weights than they are which can be discouraging.When I first started CrossFit, my weight lifting was not good. I would use a bare 30# bar lots. I would always look up to Mia and my mom (I still do). They have such strong arms and I was/am still incredibly jealous. I had really week arms. They were so small I could probably fit my thumb and index finger around my biceps so they touched. They would use heavier weights than me and it pissed me off, kind of like how Michelle pisses me off now with her ring dips:) But looking back, it was great having them to try and catch. I am still trying to catch them and I know that my competitive thinking has helped me get stronger.

 To all the new CrossFitters out there, just know that all of us started out how you are right now. Remember to work on your weaknesses but agnolage your strengths.  As long as you concentrate on good technique, don't not come because you are sore, don't get discouraged and put intensity into your workouts, there is no way you will not improve. Hope you end up loving CrossFit as much as we do!

Ok end of speal :)

Hope everyone has a great rest day.


Hollie said...

That is a very good description of how we feel as addicted crossfitters Leanna. I can relate to everything you have said and I know that our new friends will get inspiration from this post. You are an amazing person physically and especially mentally. You are one strong SOB don't kid yourself. You were lifting more than me today and I was dying:)

Anonymous said...

I just love you to death Leanna! This post is wonderful. I love your honesty and how you just lay out your feelings and share them with us. You are sooo strong mentally and physically. I know you will do incredible at the cert in July and make an absolutely amazing trainer one day! I can just hear it now from Kaleigh and Cassidy...Well Coach Leanna put us through this crazy bleepin (they don't swear yet)WOD tonight! You are one amazing person Leanna and I love training with you!

Coach Clarke said...

LD your post and your honesty inspire all of us, you will make an awesome Coach, the future looks bright. Every new member should read it.

Mia said...

You're bad ass girl love it!

jenn said...

Thank you for your write up. Everything you said I can totally relate to right now and it's good to know you understand what all of us new cross fitters are going through. It's pretty crazy how working out can actually effect your emotions! Thank you all for support and encouragement, it helps more than you may realize!!

Leanna said...

Thanks everyone, glad you liked it. I was in a kinda sappy mood and just started typing :) Thanks for the support and I hope you guys are right, that I will be a bad ass coach sumday.

Jill said...

very inspirational. love every bit of it! i think you rock but you already know that.

Anonymous said...

Great description of Crossfit and ALL of it's many aspects. Determination, commmitment, humility, success, community, excellence,...they are all part of it, and why we all love it so much. I am impressed with your insight and hope to meet you some day soon.
Annie Sakamoto

Surrey Sterling said...

Wow Leanna. You are a great writer and describe the sport so well. I love the emotion you shared in your workouts as it is something usually kept deep inside as we fight through the pain. I just read this now and it was really moving. I've said it before, you and your brother are the future of the sport, just wear shoes:)!

See you soon.

Leanna said...

Wow you guys are awesome! Thank you all for your supportive comments, they made my day :) I'm glad you liked the post, I had no idea it would be so popular.

Annie, your the greatest! :) We are coming out to Santa Cruz in July, hope to see you then!!