Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12

As a birthday present, my parents are renovating my room! I am getting a walk in closet, newly painted walls and a new bed! We have been working on it since saturday and it is coming along nicely. It looks SO cool, and it's not even painted yet. We had to tear down my old closet, so I got to use a little mma and front kick that sucker down!! It was awesome. I love having a dad that is in construction :) 

At the moment, I am sleeping upstairs in the 'games room'. Point of the story, those stupid 15 stairs seem pretty damn steep after a crossfit wod.


5 rounds:
6 back squats at 110# 
20 ring pushups
rest approx. 2 minutes
5 rounds:
10 push press 25#
10 pullups
10 walking lunges
Time: 6:40 Rxd

The first workout felt good, my technique on my squats faltered a bit. I do some weird stuff coming out of the squat that I can't explain. I have no idea what the hell is goin on, but I know its something and therefore I can fix it. I am working on it, and my squats are getting better. I don't look upward as much as I used to either, which is good. Ring dips were tough.. the most I got in a row was 7, and by the end I was doing singles.

The 5 rounder felt AWESOME. I went as hard as I could, but lost a bit of time walking to the board to mark down my rounds. The 25# seemed SO light at first, but got harder fast. Pullups and walking lunges weren't a problem. It was a nice wod to start off the week :)


Anonymous said...

Way to kill that WOD Leanna! Had to miss it to catch up on some work at home. Too much fun stuff going on this weekend. Your new room sounds very cool. I'd love to see a picture when it's done. What a great Dad you have...and talented with a hammer too! :)

Hollie said...

Awesome job tonight Leanna. Those ring push ups were a b@$#@ and 100 of them agghhh!!!

Surrey Sterling said...

An new room, what wuz wrong with your old one? I guess not enough closet space, duh! Lets see some pics of your Dad in action!

Leanna said...

lol alright i'll take some pics :)