Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31

Squat clean
6-5-4-3-2-1 115lb
Weighted pullups - subbed with strict, except for 1-2 i did with 15lbs
rest 2 min
Straight leg raises

The squat cleans were brutal. On my first round of six I probably failed 6 times. It took me forever to get them. I was getting so mad. Seriously I had to get into my bitch mode and swear at the bar in order to be aggressive enough to get under it and get it up! I could get under it easy enough, but getting it up was so hard! I have to work on my squats and my 'inner leg' strength (that sounds weird but I don't know what the muscle's called :P )

The Burpee's and Straight Leg Raises felt great. The Burpee challenge thing is helping I think. Straight Leg Raises felt awesome, we used to do them in gymnastics all the time so I like them. Gymnastics actually helped out on a lot of stuff with crossfit (rope climb, pullups, KTE's, straight leg raises) even though it was a while ago, I know it helped me out. Not for dips though.. we never did dips. Stupid dips.

Awesome Job to the late class. Jenn got the clean technique down, Jill freakin rocked it with the lifting shoes, Tim's technique went from 1-10 in 2 rounds, Michelle, what can I say about her, she's a freakin beast (with perfect technique), everyone did great! -the late class was SO cool to watch. Ok I am rambling now, I am soo tired!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Warning: Don't drink too many carbs, you'll pay for it Tuesday.

Wtf? I have a blister on the inside of my index finger.. you can barely see it in the pic but I can sure feel it when it gets wet. What could possibly of caused that. Weird. Anyways I thought I'd share. I'd like to see some pictures of the pullup girls hands :) post some pictures!! You guys should all get blogs you know. It's an awesome way of keeping track of your progress and it's fun to write in people's comments. And it's free :)

I am going to start to post more pictures.. blogs get boring without them :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30

I did my 8 burpee's! Nervous about the workout.

10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5, 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9, 10/1
inbetween each set of pullups and dips you will do 7 DL's@bw and 7 ab wheel rollouts.

The workout felt pretty good. The deadlifts felt heavy today especially at the end which is weird because 135 usually feels light. I haven't done DL's in a while though so it was good to get back at them. The pullups felt awesome, dips sucked- had to modify them and abb wheels felt strong :) 

The 6:30 class did great, lots of intensity. I finally got to meet the Haglund girls :) !

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Front Squat

As many rounds in 10 minutes:
8-finger tip push ups
10 Kipping pullups
8-weighted situps feet anchored #30db behind the head ladies use #20db
4-sandbag to shoulder power cleans 77lbs men 47lbs ladies

My front squats were shit today. A total mess, the highest I could go was 125 I think, my PR is 130. I was mad and frustrated and decided I hate Front Squats. They are joining dips on my hate list.

The 10 rounder was fun on the other hand, it felt great. I got 4 rounds + the 4 Sandbag cleans. The finger tip pushups were killing me by the 3rd and 4th round. I had to make a fist so my finger tips felt normal again.

OAfter the wod, mom and I stayed to watch the other class for a bit. Amy and Farrah did awesome! They squatted 130 lbs! Also, Amy is KILLING the kipping pullups. She is crazy with those things. She's getting the rest of the girls motivated to get their asses over that bar! Great job tonight ladies, I loved watching ya :)

Ok just went on Sterling's blog and saw I should be at 7 Burpee's.. which I have totally been slacking on. So I did, 4,5,6 then 7 (I had already done 3,2 and 1). I still have to do my benchmark of 100 though.. not looking forwards to that. I am caught up now though wohoo :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28

500m row
50 air squats
30 pushups
30 weighted situps 30# db held behind the neck feet anchored
30 pullups
30 db swings (15 per arm) 45# db men 35# db ladies
30 k2e
50 OHS stick

RX'd 24:30 Seriously though I might cry or throw up.

That's all I have to say about that ~ F Gump

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Thanks to Sterling, I now have pictures to share with you guys. I must warn you though, a lot of them are shitty one's we took when we were bored (we being Chad and I) I deleted some goofy ones but I'm just warning you in advance. I have some video's from the zoo that would be cool to get up there but I'm still trying to figure this picasa thing out :) I'm a bit computer challenged. We would of liked to get some more pics from CrossFit places but it's hard to get pics while your working out. Anyways, hope you enjoy :)

July 26

Ok First about the workout:
20 rounds of 65lb power clean and jerks, with a partner
I went with Sherry and she did awesome! She used dumbells and powered through them. My highest round was 15 and lowest was 8. I should of put a matt under my feet though cuz the jui jitzu mats aren't fun to lift on. 

Then Sherry and I did 100 burpees, ten at a time. We did well at these, got 'er done pretty fast. The skipping we did well on too, I did 25 DU's and Sherry did 100 single skips for 4 rounds. 

The workout was tough but it feels great now. It is good to be home :)

Friday, July 25, 2008


Ok So I have a little problem and I am hoping there are some smart crossfit nerds out there to help me out. I have all my pictures on my computer but I want to get them somewhere where everyone can see them. There are about 300 pictures (maybe a bit less because there are some crap ones I should delete) and it is hard because I have a mac, which sometimes doesn't jive with things.. you know what i mean. I got some pics up on photobucket but it takes forever! Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated :)  Thank you!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vaca So Far

Hey!! Right now we are in Union City, we are leaving for Six Flags in a few minutes, checkout is at noon and it is 11:30 so I have lots of time to post :) 

The Cert this weekend was amazing, like I said before. All the coaches were awesome. There were a lot of lectures which I usually find boring as hell but these ones were sweet. Everyone seemed so genuine and you could see how everyone just loves CrossFit. It was cool because everyone seemed to get along great, we all have  a big part of our lives in common so everyone just clicked. We practiced a lot of skills like medicine ball cleans and deadlift technique, push press,   and pretty much everything else you can think of. By the end of the day, everyone's lower backs were sore from focusing and over-emphasizeing their technique. Dad and I were saying it was so cool to see another CrossFit gym and see how many people really are into crossfit. We've never seen so many people in one place that even knew what crossfit was!

We did Bottom to Bottom Tabata squats the first day. That is 20 seconds of squats and 10 seconds 'resting' at the bottom position of the squats. I hated that rest, I almost wanted to just keep squatting. The score is your lowest rep which I should of thought about a bit better as I got 20 squats the first round, then 18 then 10 10 10 ect .. my lowest round was 7. Now I know for next time,  strategize. 

Later that day we did Fran. This was so not fun. Seriously it sucked. It was fun watching everyone else and watching the coaches coach. They were so cool. Everyone did great. I was feeling it though. I could make a bunch of excuses up like lack of sleep, lack of food, crappy food the night before ect but I'm pretty sure it's just in my head. I wanna try Fran again. I know I can do it.. I just doubt myself sometimes and then  I SUCK :P

The next day was filled with lectures and then FGB.  5 1 minute rounds of push press, box jumps, row for calories, wall ball, sumo deadlift high pull  then a rest. repeat that 3 rounds. It was weird with the rest in there, I've never felt a minute go by that fast. My score was just under 200, I can't remember the exact score.  

The next day we drove allll day to Santa Cruz! It was a 7 hour drive but it was so worth it. It was awesome seeing all the Santa Cruz signs, it almost seemed like it was some made up place that only existed on the internet.

The next day, Tuesday, We went to CrossFit Santa Cruz Central and we met ANNIE! She was such a sweetheart, exactly how she acts in her video's. She is so cute and so pregnant! She carried that baby like nothing though. She is so strong it is just awesome. You can see all the muscles in her legs as she walks, soo cool. She made us do 400 m of lunges. Holy mother that was hard. Our legs were already sore from the cert so it was definitely tough. I have no idea what our times were, chad's blog has them i'm sure.  

It was so funny after the workout Rob Miller pulled up in his car. Mom's like OMG Leanna! There's Rob! omg he's coming in hahaha We were so happy to meet him, it was like meeting celebrities. He was awesome as well, such a nice guy. We got pictures with both Rob and Annie. Everyone training at the gym was really nice as well. We asked if they had shirts and unfortunately the didn't but one man actually took off the CFSCS shirt he was wearing and gave it to dad! What a nice guy eh? (oh ya we've been called on about saying eh too many times  down here, it's almost embarrassing, also they call pop soda! who says soda? really..   not that we're drinking pop or anything.. )   :)

Later that day we drove to San Fransisco. It was about a two hour drive at the most. I had a sweet book so the drive went by fast. San Fransisco was ... interesting. Lots of bums and stuff downtown. Mom and I had to pee so bad and someone was shooting up in the mc Donalds toilet so we ran to the fancy restaurant across the street. Mom said to the host, 'excuse me, we really need to use the bathroom and the McDonalds bathrooms are both being cleaned can we please use yours?"  the guy gave us a look like he wasn't going to let us so I said 'If i don't pee I'm actually gunna start crying" so he let us :) Nice little mexican.

Then we went across golden gate bridge, saw alkatraz and went for dinner at the fishermans wharf. The restaurant was very fancy and I don't know about my family but I felt a little out of place in my lululemon shorts, tank top and hat :P

And that brings us to today. It is only 12:07 and it has already been a blast. We went to One World and saw FREDDY C!! I said everyone so far has been awesome, but man Freddy C was freakin cool. He was so happy and funny. We did Randy, 75 Snatches for time. Again for the times, go to chad's blog. Mom and I used 55lbs. We were there for about an hour and a half, even though the workout only lasted about 15 minutes. Freddy was crazy cool. We talked for a long time. We even saw his Freddy C action figure :) Apparently everyone plays around with it and puts it in 'funny' positions. He also told us Sevan somehow got a hold of his bussiness cards and typed 'I like men' on it. haha gotta love Sevan.

We bought a shit load of CrossFit shirts, the CFOW ones are sweet. We are off to Los Angeles now, and are going to six flags tomorrow. Man that place is just awesome. We took a LOT of pictures, can't believe mom forgot the usb cord. Chad took some pics on his phone so he'll get a few up here after we get to LA. 

The maid ladies are knocking at the door so I have to go. I was typing this all pretty quickly and I don't have time to proof read so sorry if there are a bunch of  mistakes. I'll go over it later and add pictures! 

Miss you all, Train HARD! 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20

Hey, just thought I'd say a quick hello. The cert was amazing and I learnt a LOT of new stuff. The most helpful was when the coaches would tweek your technique. The smallest adjustment does wonders sometimes. Jolie was coaching, as was Dutch. He was such a cutie :) I'll post more stuff about the cert and our vaca later when I have some pictures to make everything a bit more interesting. Lets just say we are all sore as hell and did some crazy workouts this weekend. 

See y'all soon :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bye For Now :)

Just wanted to say a quick bye, we are off to san diego for a week :) We are going to a level one cert this weekend and are hitting up a bunch more crossfit affiliates afterward. It is going to be a BLAST! I'm excited :) I always miss crossfit langley though. We will have to work hard to represent. Have a great week and see you in a couple weeks. Miss you Haglunds!

July 16

2 strict pullups
4 KTE's
6 Pushups
8 DU's
10 Lunges

12 rounds in 20 minutes

This one felt great. I kept moving the whole time, I had to break my pullups and my pushups. Pushups were by far the hardest. It was a pretty small class today but everyone was working hard and the energy was great.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15

7 rounds of
12 bench dips
1 rope climb
12 back squats at 93lbs

Ok I know 95lbs looks really light but did it ever feel hard today! Mom and I started with 115lbs on the bar, then lowered it to 105, then 95. I felt a bit like a wimp.. but man 95 was killer. The bench dips made me feel like a wimp as well but that combined with the rope climb was a nice break between the squats. I hate not RX'ing workouts but I knew this one was going to be hard. I can't remember my time but I know it was just over 20 minutes.

Monday, July 14, 2008

July 12

7 Rounds
Snatch deadlift+Hang power snatch+OHS+Behind the neck press
repeat this sequence 5x total.

In between each round do 10 ab wheel rollouts

I did this with 50 lbs. It felt great for the deadlift and snatch but the strict press was hard! I ended up using my legs a bit. It kinda sucked cuz I know I could of gone quite a bit heavier if it weren't for the press.

I shared a bar with Amanda today and she did great! Her technique is getting better fast. Also Jill worked out with us today, finally :) She and Amanda said they were done, but my ticks on the board said I only had 6 rounds finished. So I went for one more round and Jill couldn't stand me having an extra round on her so she did the last round with me haha I love her competitiveness :) Tonight was fun, Now its time for MMA!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12

Todays wod:
Brandt - 5 power cleans at 135lbs
Me - 7 burpees
Brandt - 200 m run
Me -5 power cleans at 95lbs
Brandt - 7 burpees
Me - 200m run

x 20 rounds all together (the scenario above counts as two rounds)

I am proud to say Brandt and I RX'd this baby :) This workout was great. It was cool because you had a short breaks through it, while your partner was doing their exercise. I've never done a wod like that before. The closest thing to it would be the partner wod with all the squats , pullups and pushups. Ah good memories. Anyways

Brandt and I had fun with this one. We were cheering each other on between breaths. It was nice having coach pair us up as I loved having Brandt as a partner and we never wouldn't of paired up otherwise. Everyone was working hard today and the energy was great. Have a great weekend and enjoy this sunshine!!! :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10

100 push press
200m run at the end of each set


That was hard

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9

5 rounds of:
12 bench press with 35 lbs (one armed)
9 kipping L pullups
5 power cleans with 100lbs

Sadly I didn't RX the workout, 5 pounds under the rx weight for bp. I should of used 30's though. One armed bench presses are hard! The power cleans were the hardest by far though. If it was squat cleans I would of liked it a lot more. During the third round I kept failing the reps which freeked me out. Then I got mad and eventually got 'er done. Oh ya then I did some dips afterward. They are still feeling hard but I'm gunna keep workin on them.

edmonton trip

During the edmonton trip we did two workouts

the first was on friday and it was:
20 pushups
20 situps
20 OHS's with 40#
I forget the time but i'm sure chad'll get it to me

The second was plain and simple:
100 pushups for time
Time: 9:something
Then we did one round of 6x the bear complex at 60#.. we were planning on doing more but the pool was calling us from across the hall

The pushups were HARD. Here's some picture chad took on his baby .

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 3

500m row
50 box step ups
500m row
25 wall balls
500m row
25 KTE's

3 rounds of:
6x Snatch, OHS, Backsquat, good morning 50lbs

The 500m rows were hard! Don't love them. I keep underestimating myself and thinking my legs or arms are just going to quit and give out on me. The 'bear' complex was tough for me. I felt like a wimp next to mom who was just throwing that weight around. I think the days off made me a bit rusty.. and I have to miss Saturdays class too because of a wedding in Edmonton!! :( It will be hard to stay on the zone for that one. Anyways, see you all on.. Wednesday I guess. Man thats a long time!! I am already missing the box :P

July 2

5 squat cleans 95lbs
10 ab wheel
5 rounds

10 pullups
10 dips
most in 10 minutes

The squat cleans felt great! I did speal pullups and they felt awesome, they're a lot faster. Dips sucked. I have no idea how many rounds I got in the ten minutes, I didn't want to waste time marking the rounds down.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1

Happy Canada Day!
Sherry, Jen, Mom, Dad, Chad, Colin, Jay and I did the grouse grind today. It seemed a lot easier than last time. Unfortunately the traffic was horrible on the way back from grouse (the bridge was closed because of a jumper) which made for a long and interesting day. So many things went wrong today, but with our crossfit mental toughness we dealt pretty well. I won't go into detail ;) I had fun with you ladies today.. that was a lot of time we spent together in some very close quarters.