Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15

7 rounds of
12 bench dips
1 rope climb
12 back squats at 93lbs

Ok I know 95lbs looks really light but did it ever feel hard today! Mom and I started with 115lbs on the bar, then lowered it to 105, then 95. I felt a bit like a wimp.. but man 95 was killer. The bench dips made me feel like a wimp as well but that combined with the rope climb was a nice break between the squats. I hate not RX'ing workouts but I knew this one was going to be hard. I can't remember my time but I know it was just over 20 minutes.


Hollie said...

I hear ya girl:)

Surrey Sterling said...

Leanna, enjoy your awesome vacation. Take it all in and don't be shy. Get in those workouts and destroy them. Meet the stars and make memories you'll never forget! Have fun and see you guys soon!