Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 3

500m row
50 box step ups
500m row
25 wall balls
500m row
25 KTE's

3 rounds of:
6x Snatch, OHS, Backsquat, good morning 50lbs

The 500m rows were hard! Don't love them. I keep underestimating myself and thinking my legs or arms are just going to quit and give out on me. The 'bear' complex was tough for me. I felt like a wimp next to mom who was just throwing that weight around. I think the days off made me a bit rusty.. and I have to miss Saturdays class too because of a wedding in Edmonton!! :( It will be hard to stay on the zone for that one. Anyways, see you all on.. Wednesday I guess. Man thats a long time!! I am already missing the box :P

1 comment:

Hollie said...

The weight was 55 lbs. You can kill that weight on the bear and your last round was your best:) Those rows sucked especially the second. Way to push through it Leanna. We will not be slacking while we are away:) maybe just Saturday night:)