Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Front Squat

As many rounds in 10 minutes:
8-finger tip push ups
10 Kipping pullups
8-weighted situps feet anchored #30db behind the head ladies use #20db
4-sandbag to shoulder power cleans 77lbs men 47lbs ladies

My front squats were shit today. A total mess, the highest I could go was 125 I think, my PR is 130. I was mad and frustrated and decided I hate Front Squats. They are joining dips on my hate list.

The 10 rounder was fun on the other hand, it felt great. I got 4 rounds + the 4 Sandbag cleans. The finger tip pushups were killing me by the 3rd and 4th round. I had to make a fist so my finger tips felt normal again.

OAfter the wod, mom and I stayed to watch the other class for a bit. Amy and Farrah did awesome! They squatted 130 lbs! Also, Amy is KILLING the kipping pullups. She is crazy with those things. She's getting the rest of the girls motivated to get their asses over that bar! Great job tonight ladies, I loved watching ya :)

Ok just went on Sterling's blog and saw I should be at 7 Burpee's.. which I have totally been slacking on. So I did, 4,5,6 then 7 (I had already done 3,2 and 1). I still have to do my benchmark of 100 though.. not looking forwards to that. I am caught up now though wohoo :)


Anonymous said...

Good job on the burpee catch up. I did the same today with mine but I am at 16 now, so I had 31 to do. I better not miss any from now on since my numbers are gettin up there! Felt same as you on the front squats...not even close to my PR. Oh well, we are back from vaca and gonna beat down a little gang of chicks this weekend named Fran, Helen and Grace...you in? :)

Leanna said...

WHA? Fran, Helen and Grace?? Holy Shit! Count me in babay :)

Surrey Sterling said...

Well that's the plan weather that happens or not is another story. eh can you ask you Dad if he has a hammer drill I can borrow or a hiltigun. I need to anchor one side of the pullup bar into concrete.

Leanna said...

ya sure, i'll call him now.