Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9

5 rounds of:
12 bench press with 35 lbs (one armed)
9 kipping L pullups
5 power cleans with 100lbs

Sadly I didn't RX the workout, 5 pounds under the rx weight for bp. I should of used 30's though. One armed bench presses are hard! The power cleans were the hardest by far though. If it was squat cleans I would of liked it a lot more. During the third round I kept failing the reps which freeked me out. Then I got mad and eventually got 'er done. Oh ya then I did some dips afterward. They are still feeling hard but I'm gunna keep workin on them.


Hollie said...

Sweet job tonight Leanna, you have to be proud of getting these heavy weights done:)

jenn said...

Leanna you did so good tonight! I saw you struggling and totally felt your frustrations. You got through it though..awesome job:)

Leanna said...

thank you both :)