Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28

500m row
50 air squats
30 pushups
30 weighted situps 30# db held behind the neck feet anchored
30 pullups
30 db swings (15 per arm) 45# db men 35# db ladies
30 k2e
50 OHS stick

RX'd 24:30 Seriously though I might cry or throw up.

That's all I have to say about that ~ F Gump


jenn said...

Leanna you did awesome today!..and you didn't cry OR throw up!!!

Leanna said...

haha thanks Jenn

Hollie said...

Nice job Leanna, very impressed with your performance today, I'm sure you are the only girl who Rx'd tonight:)

Coach Clarke said...

Since I coached you on that I was most impressed. I would rather do it Rx'd than be 1st with modified every thing. To me your performance was stellar