Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2nd

3 rounds of:
500m row
10 Kettle Bell Swings
12 Kipping L pullups

4 rounds of:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 65#
10 body rows
10 box step ups
10 ab wheels/evil wheel

Holy Shit that was painful. The row sucked the wind right outa me, and the L pullups were not going smoothly. The SDHP's were hard, but manageable and, as you can guess, I hated the Body Rows :P

Coach says the vacation was a good break for the mind and body but damn, it sure doesn't feel like it now. I mean, you never feel good during a wod, but I feel like I'm just sucking all the time!  I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.. I'm sure it will. I have to keep the mind strong and keep pushing no matter what the body says. It's like in cartoons when there's a devil over one shoulder and the angel over the other shoulder and they argue back and forth. I'd say my bodys the angel and my minds the devil telling the body to get the hell movin!!


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, they were sitting on my shoulders tonight having a serious bitch fest and shit I didn't even enjoy any fun in the sun! You did awesome tonight Chickedy!:)

Leanna said...

Thanks Michelle :) Love working out with you girl, you may not know it but you push my ass, hard! I love your energy.

Anonymous said...
