Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Apr. 16

3 rounds
Row 20 sec on 1- sec off 4x
then 2 minutes of 5 pushups and 5 pullups
rest 3 min repeat

As many rounds in 10 minutes
5- power snatches 50#
5 - modified dips
5- ab wheels
5- hanging db squat cleans with 30# ( a lil bit more than 20%) 

The first wod wore me out the most. The rower always kicks my ass. The pushups and dips were giving me a hard time also. On the second workout I managed to get 5 rounds plus a set of dips. Those ring dips always piss me off because a lot of the time it's the only reason I can't RX the workout (like today)

That was an ass kicker, I encourage all the globo-goers to try this one out. It's quite deceiving. 

PS I know that's a terrible pic of me, but I need to get this blog a bit more colorful. I have been slacking on posting lately :)


Hollie said...

Great job today Leanna those dips piss me off too.

Surrey Sterling said...

Nice job Leanna, I know that was a serious ass kick today! Felt great to get my ass kicked though!

Anonymous said...

Good Job Leanne,

I hear you on those ring dips....i still don't have them either and I was stuck doing regular dips.

This WOD today really kicked my ass as well, the first 3 rounder with the Row was just not fun.

Leanna said...

Thanks everyone. Ya it sure feels good to get your ass kicked eh? Jeff, I hear ya. The dips and the row always get to me