Thursday, April 17, 2008

Apr. 17

500m row @ 2 minute pace 

60 sec of ring supports


15 Front squats 75#
20 Pullups
15 Push Press  75#
30 Burpees
15 SDHP 75#
40 Anchored situps
15  Back squats 75#

Time = 11:29 RX'D

Rest, then 2 sets of 10 abb wheels

This one way tough. A total mental game. I liked it because you always had motivation. I kept thinking If i just finish this set, I'll never have to do this exercise again. 75# was a good weight, I thought. The push press SUCKED and the SDHP's felt heavy. The burpees were also pretty brutal, I think those took me the longest. The pullups were good, I did all 20 in a row and am sure I could do more.. Max pullups sometimes soon.

Michelle was so fun to work out with today. She gave 'er hard. At the end, I wanted to rest on the backsquats but I could see her pumping them out  out of the corner of my eye and knew I had to keep goin. I was wishing Mia would of came to the late class as I know us girls push each other hard. Same with my mum, she's getting F*ing ripped. Jill was also fun to watch. She was getting pissed at me cuz I kept yelling at her and stealing her towel that she was using to wipe her face during situps! hehe don't you love it when your sweat blurs your vision Jill :) you can thank me for that.

Last thing, who the hell comes up with these workouts? Like honestly, how can someone come up with a workout that lasts .. around 10 minutes? but makes you feel like your gunna die! I guess a big part of it is how hard you push yourself.. but still, props to DC. He comes up with some crazy shit.


Anonymous said...

Leanna I LOVE working through these "shit storms",as Coach calls them, with YOU! Tonight was awsesome! I loved how we were so close together through it. I think you left me in the dust on the situps and I just knew I had to pour it on in the backsquats! So close... but you know if I have to finish behind any firebreather I am so glad it's you, cause you fricken ROCK! :)

Leanna said...

haha Michelle, I love your energy. You are such a bad ass Crossfitter, I LOVE IT. Good Job on those squats, your getting STRONG!

Jill said...

ha ha leanna. ya i couldnt see anything thru the sweat and i also didnt want you to see my Care Bear towel. i would have been embarassed. care bears arent very bad ass!

Surrey Sterling said...

Hi Leanna, keep the firebreather alive inside! See you tomorrow? Eh can you give me Chad's blog. your mom gave it to me but it goes nowhere. I've been wanting to check it out!

Leanna said...

hope to see you tomorrow, I might wimp out as I am feeling pretty horrible right now. And Jill, no comment on the care bear thing ..


Chad de Boer said...

sterling my blog is