Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9

The bear
73-83-95x4 reps

The bear felt tough today. It was a kind of a reality check for me, I think. I need to get back on the zone full time.

3 rounds of:
6 pullups
6 sand bag push press
6 k bell swings w/ 45
6 pushps

The sand bag push press's were hard, my forearms were burning. Besides those and the pushups, everything felt great.

Got to work with Michelle today for the bear! It was exciting being that we rarely get to the same class. I love working out with Michelle, she's so strong and focused. It was a good time tonight.

Oh god chad and the family just got back from MMA and chad's going through a beat boxing phase where he won't stop making noises with his mouth. I can hear him doing it in the garage from my room. SO annoying. I'm gunna go and pretend I'm sleeping so he has to be quiet...

 JUST KIDDING! I never do that.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I knew you were pretending you little stinker:)