Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12

3 rounds:
Row 20 seconds on 10 seconds of 4 x
then 5 pullups 7 pushups

Then as many rounds in ten minutes of:
9 sumo deadlift high pull with 65#
9 negative working dips
9 situps
200m run

I'm sure i got 5 rounds on the second wod, but I wasn't marking them down so I could be wrong. The workout felt great today, I am loving the zone. I thought my cardio was just really bad, but today I felt great. I forgot how much eating right helps. geesh where've i been.


Surrey Sterling said...

Where have you been? I hope not hanging out in the McDonalds park'in lot eat'in crap with your friends throwing your garbage out the window:)

Oh wait that's what I used to do! Good times Leanna, why to kill that WOD last night!

Hollie said...

The zone kicking in, feels good eh?