Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2

3 rounds of:
Row 20 seconds, break 10 seconds 4x 
5 pullups 5 pushups

4 rounds of:
6 sand bag cleans
12 sand bag get ups

First wod felt great. The row's were tough, I was usually around 1:50 / 500m. The sand bag stuff was tough, especially the get ups. I don't know why but those things bug me. I don't mind the sandbags in general, just the get ups. 

MMA was fun tonight. I trained with my brother and he worked my ass off. I think I sweat the most I ever have tonight. It was going in my eyes so I actually couldn't see the target, and I couldn't wipe it off cuz I had gloves on! So classy. Lets just say I felt great after my shower :) 

OK time to start studying for Finals cuz school's almost over!! They start next tuesday! I might have to miss some crossfit to get myself ready... well that might be pushing it. I gotta keep my priorities straight :)


1 comment:

Hollie said...

It's funny how those sandbags only weigh, what is it 47 pounds?, but they are just awkward. MMA was fun eh, did you guys throw in the sprawl last night, like how Chad and Riley did. That was so funny. I can't believe there is only a couple weeks of school left. You and Chad will have to submit an application to CrossFit Langley and CMA for the summer. I think MC could use a little down time:)