Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13

125m row @ a 2 minute pace
50 box step ups
20 over head squats with 45#
30 abb matt situps
2 minute rest
Three rounds 
but instead of the 2 minute rest on the last round, go straight to 
25 burpees and 25 double unders.

Looks easy eh? It was SO hard. That 2 minute rest seemed to go by so fast! The row, box step ups, and OHS combo wore my legs right out. Then I started the burpees and thought, what the hell did I do to make my arms so tired?!

 It was one of those wod's where you just have to keep pushing through the pain. CrossFit's such a physical and mental workout. I had to just keep moving. If I rest, I tend to rest for way too long and my mind starts to kick in.. telling me to stop and that I'm so slow and that I'm not strong enough to be able to finish the workout.. the bitch :P It's pretty easy to read my mind in some pictures of me like the one up there.. If you can't see it, click it to enlarge it. The expression is priceless. 

I stayed to watch the late class which was a lot of fun. It is cool watching people go through the pain which only CrossFit can inflict, and be able to say, dude, an hour ago, I felt that EXACT same way!! :)


Anonymous said...

Leanna, I'm so glad you stayed, cause when you told me after my first round of hell that my OHS would get better I thought ok I got this. I just said F**K those I am not falling on my ass again! 12 you really need to vacation for that long? I don't know, CF is just NOT going to be the same without you. :(

Leanna said...

Michelle, your crazy girl. Your getting ripped! You rocked those OHS's today. The first set is always the hardest.

Don't pretend your gunna miss us! We all know the monday class will be a big party celebrating a week of deboer-free CrossFit. Enjoy it people cuz it wont be happening again for a while ;) haha